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I’m Locked Out of My Car! Why You Should Call a Locksmith

If you ever find yourself saying, “Help, I’m locked out of my car!” you’re not alone.
Millions of motorists have locked themselves out of their cars.
Many of us have been in that scary situation. What often happens is that a child or another family member accidentally closes the door with the key still in the ignition. In many cars, this triggers the doors to lock on their own.
If you have children stuck in the car or are low on gas, this can be an absolute emergency. We don’t blame you for panicking if you find yourself in this situation.
Trying to get the door unlocked yourself can result in damage to the car. It will also take a lot of time, with little chance of success.
When you’re locked out of your car, your best bet is to call a locksmith. Keep reading for some of the main reasons you should call a locksmith to open your locked car.
Save Time
Time is typically of the essence when you are locked out of your car.
Chances are you were on your way somewhere in the first place. If you have children or pets locked inside, you are probably eager to get them out.
If the car is still running, you are wasting gas.
Unless you’re a locksmith yourself, you shouldn’t attempt to unlock the car yourself with anything but a spare key. Calling a locksmith will result in your car being unlocked with little effort.
You’ll spend more time panicking and frantically searching for DIY solutions than it will take for a locksmith to arrive. Locksmiths are available 24/7 and usually take no time at all to get to your location.
Even if you are located in a remote location, if you have cell service to make a call, an emergency locksmith will come to you.
Locksmiths Get the Job Done
No matter where you locked your keys within your car, a locksmith can get them out with little effort.
Sometimes keys are accidentally locked in the trunk or in a compartment of the car. Whatever the case, a locksmith is your best bet.
Becoming a locksmith takes skill and dedication. They are experts at their trade.
Locksmiths are known for providing excellent customer service. They realize they are in a profession where their customers are usually in a jam and need immediate help. They are also licensed.
Consider how many different makes and models of cars are out there. Locksmiths stay up to date on technology to ensure they can unlock any type of vehicle.
So how do locksmiths open a car? With specialized tools. These types of tools include slim jims, auto lockpicks, and wedges.
Unlike the average person, locksmiths are trained on how to use these tools quickly and effectively, without damaging your vehicle.
You can expect a locksmith to unlock your car in about 5 minutes. While you will have to wait for them to arrive, avoiding damage to your car and having peace of mind that the job will get done is worth the wait.
What Not to Do
These are some methods of unlocking your car that we do not recommend.
Call a Tow Truck
Calling a tow truck company to let you back in your car is overkill and might cost you more.
If you think your insurance company will cover this service, you will have to contact them first. If you have coverage, they will contact the tow truck company themselves.
Then the tow truck company will have to contact you. This can be a lengthy process and won’t necessarily save you money, especially if you are calling after hours or if you have a deductible.
If you don’t have insurance coverage that might cover a lockout, go straight to a locksmith.
Call the Police
Many police departments will not respond to a lockout unless your location puts you in imminent danger.
Calling the police department should be an absolute last resort and should be saved for emergencies. Police departments are busy and letting people back into their cars is not high on their list of priorities.
After all, that’s what locksmiths are for.
If you do need to contact the police, you will need some sort of way to prove your identity and that the car belongs to you. Overall, contacting the police for most lockouts is not the best use of government time and resources.
The police may not arrive any faster than a locksmith and may give you grief for the call.
Break Your Own Window
There is an obvious exception to the point above. It is appropriate to contact the police if a rescue is needed.
If your children or pets are trapped in a hot car and the AC is not running, they may need to be rescued.
If it is not substantially hot, a locksmith is still your best bet. Never attempt to access your car by breaking the windows.
You probably won’t be successful, but if you are, you are creating a dangerous situation. The cost of replacing your window will be much higher than if you had called a locksmith.
Help! I’m Locked Out of My Car
If you find yourself saying, “Help! I’m locked out of my car!” don’t panic.
Your first step should be to contact a locksmith for a free quote and estimate. A locksmith will be able to get you back in your car and on the road in no time.
If you haven’t yet locked yourself out of your car, consider adding our number to your phone in case the unexpected happens.
Click here for our contact information.
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